A fund that aims to track and closely match the performance of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi) by buying and selling a proportionate number of shares of the stocks that compose the PSEi.
📌 Best suited for investors who have an aggressive risk appetite.
A feeder fund that seeks to replicate the performance of the global equity market as reflected in the MSCI All Country World Index. It invests 90% of its assets into the SPDR MSCI All Country World Index ETF.
📌 Best suited for investors who have an aggressive risk appetite.
A feeder fund that aims to provide a steady stream of dividends while also aiming for long-term capital growth. It invests 90% of its assets into the BGF Global Multi-Asset Income Fund, managed by BlackRock.
📌 Best suited for investors who have a moderately aggressive risk appetite.
A feeder fund that aims to generate income and capital growth by investing in a diversified mix of stocks and bonds. It invests 90% of its assets to the Manulife Global Fund - Global Multi-Asset Diversified Income Fund managed by Manulife.
📌 Best suited for investors who have a moderately aggressive risk appetite.
This fund aims to provide a parking facility for investors who are seeking to preserve their capital through short-term fixed income securities and deposits.
📌Best suited for investors who have a conservative risk tolerance.
This fund seeks to provide stable growth by investing in local government securities and high-quality corporate debt through an active duration management.
📌Best suited for investors who have a moderately conservative risk tolerance
The ABF Philippines Bond Index Fund is for investors with a medium-term investment horizon. It aims for stable growth by primarily investing in local government securities while tracking the ABF Philippines Bond Index.
📌 Best suited for investors who have a moderately aggressive risk appetite.
Check out the COL Fund Source Guidebook to discover more about over 70 mutual funds and UITFs, including their key features to enhance your investing experience.
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